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The Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation

The Foundation was created in 1917 by Rotary International's sixth president, Arch C. Klumph, as an endowment fund for Rotary "to do good in the world." It has grown from an initial contribution of US$26.50 to more than US$73 million contributed in 2000-01. Its event-filled history is a story of Rotarians learning the value of service to humanity.

History of The Rotary Foundation


Arch C. Klumph,
1916-17 president of Rotary
International and founder of
The Rotary Foundation





In 1917, Arch C. Klumph, Rotary's sixth president, proposed to the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, the creation of an "endowment fund for Rotary . . . for the purpose of doing good in the world in charitable, educational, and other avenues of community service." A few months later, the endowment received its first contribution of $26.50 from the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

In 1928, when the endowment fund had grown to more than US$5,000, the fund was renamed The Rotary Foundation, and it became a distinct entity within Rotary International. Five Trustees, including Klumph, were appointed to "hold, invest, manage, and administer all of its property. . . as a single trust, for the furtherance of the purposes of RI."

Two years later, the Foundation made its first grant of US$500 to the International Society for Crippled Children. The ISCC — created by Rotarian Edgar F. "Daddy" Allen — later grew into the Easter Seals organization.

The Great Depression and World War II both impeded significant growth for the Foundation, but the need for promoting a lasting world peace generated great post-war interest in developing the Foundation. After Rotary founder Paul P. Harris died in 1947, contributions began pouring into Rotary International, and the Paul Harris Memorial Fund was created for the purpose of building the Foundation.

That same year, the first Foundation program was established — Fellowships for Advanced Study, which was the forerunner of the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships program. Then in 1965-66, three new programs were launched — Group Study Exchange, Awards for Technical Training, and Grants for Activities in Keeping with the Objective of The Rotary Foundation, which was later called Matching Grants.

The Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) program was launched in 1978, with the Rotary Volunteers program being created as a part of 3-H in 1980. The PolioPlus program was announced in 1984-85, and the following year saw the introduction of Rotary Grants for University Teachers. The first Peace Forums were held in 1987-88, leading to the establishment of Rotary Peace Programs. Then in 1989, 1963-64 RI President Carl P. Miller and his wife, Ruth, donated US$1 million to establish the Discovery Grants program.

Throughout this time, support of the Foundation grew tremendously. Since that first $26.50 donation in 1917, the Foundation has received contributions totaling more than US$1 billion. More than US$68 million was donated in 1998-99 alone. To date, some 726,000 individuals have been recognized as Paul Harris Fellows — that is, someone who has contributed US$1000 or has had that amount contributed in his or her name.

Such strong support and involvement of Rotarians worldwide ensures a secure future for The Rotary Foundation as it continues its vital work for international understanding and world peace.

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Dan Rizzi

2024-2025 Club President

Club President Letter 2024-25

Dear Rotarians and Friends of Rotary:


I am deeply honored to be entrusted with the role of your 102nd President for the Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale. As we embark on this new year, I stand humbled by the legacy of our esteemed past presidents who, for over a century, have leveraged their knowledge and dedication to build a remarkable organization committed to service.


Rotary International’s Theme: The Magic of Rotary


This year’s theme, “The Magic of Rotary,” compels us to consider the transformative power of our collective efforts. Imagine a world free from polio, with communities empowered to secure clean water, cultivate their own food, and connect via bridges that bring families and education closer. This, my fellow Rotarians, is the magic we create when we unite in service.


The Enduring Impact of the Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale


Locally, the Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale has consistently embodied this spirit. Our enduring impact is evident in a multitude of initiatives, including:


  • Partnering with Challenge Air to provide transformative flight experiences for 84 children facing physical and mental challenges, with the invaluable support of 19 pilots, 160 volunteers, and generous sponsors.
  • Annually distributing hundreds of toys and gifts to brighten the holidays for underprivileged children and seniors.
  • Awarding over $3 million in scholarships to deserving students within the Fort Lauderdale school district.
  • Supporting the Wheelchair Foundation, fostering mobility for those in need.


Beyond Service, Building Community


We foster strong bonds within our club through:


  • Engaging monthly socials and happy hours, fostering connections and camaraderie.
  • Annual events like Thanksgiving baskets, Salvation Army bell ringing, and festive holiday and fall picnics that celebrate the joy of giving and shared experiences.
  • Disaster relief efforts whenever communities face hardship.


A Look Forward


While we celebrate our past achievements, we also embrace new initiatives designed to elevate our service and engagement. These include:


  • Weekly member introductions, fostering deeper connections within the club.
  • Inviting inspiring speakers from the business community to share their expertise.
  • Reintroducing the “Teacher of the Year” program, recognizing outstanding contributions within the educational sector.
  • Establishing a “Rotarians Honoring Rotarians” program, acknowledging the exceptional contributions of dedicated members throughout their years of service.


Invitation to Serve and Connect


The Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale offers a unique space for individuals who seek to serve their community while forging meaningful connections. Our weekly meetings, held Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. at the Global Event Center at First Baptist Church in downtown Fort Lauderdale, followed by a social gathering on the last Wednesday of the month at a local venue, provide the perfect opportunity to experience the magic firsthand.


We warmly invite you to join us as a guest. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Together, let’s continue to weave the magic of Rotary, one act of service at a time.




Daniel Rizzi President 2024-2025
Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale

International Projects

Volunteer With Us

As we begin our Rotary year, here is a quick reminder of the service projects we have on our schedule so far. We do not have exact dates for everything, but please keep these projects in mind and be on the lookout for more information. If you would like to help with any of these projects, please contact the chair directly. If you have ideas for new projects, please contact Kristin LaFleur or St. George Guardabassi.

  • Find Your Way Home – Jorg Hruschka – Select Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Holiday Toy Drive – Linda Cooke – October – December
  • Thanksgiving Baskets – Steve Botkin – November 23
  • Salvation Army Bell Ringing – Steve Botkin – December 7
  • Challenge Air – Dan Rizzi – January 2025

Rotarians In Action

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